Pearl Bible and Giving Pledge

On Wednesday June 17, 2010 Warren Buffett and Bill Gates called on their billionaire peers to give away half of their wealth. The dinner was an invitation, called the “Giving Pledge”, which is asking the nation’s billionaires to publicly commit to give at least half of their wealth to philanthropic and charitable groups within their lifetimes or after their deaths.  The Giving Pledge is specifically focused on billionaires “to give to charities or organizations.  As supporters of Warren Buffet’s plan, our foundation is committed to giving, caring and sharing.  We want to leave a mark of giving and sharing.  In addition, we continue to promote world peace for future generations.   The life we live should make it easier for the people after us.  The Pearl Bible is the inspired word of God.   Our interest an idea is that every believer or family could have a Bible.  For every Pearl Bible purchased, half of the profits will go to a charity of your choice.
It is good to find a charity and give of your time or financial assistance. …. The Bible says in Acts 20:35 “It is more blessed to give than to receive.   Luke 6:38 tells us to “Give to others and God will give to you.   2 Corinthians 9:7 teaches us “For God loves a cheerful giver.” Generosity is one of the character traits of a righteous person.  We work with very skilled Christian designers and advisors.  The fine pearl referred to in the BIBLE Scriptures was mentioned more than 2000 years ago. This is why we selected to create our beautiful embellished Pearl Cross Bible.  The Pearl Bible is not only of sacred spiritual significance, but, as pearls must grow in clean and pollution-free water, it is will also be a reminder to people to care for our survival environment.  It is an initiative to protect our water resources and the climate. The proceeds raised by the Pearl Bible can contribute to charities and organizations in a significant way.003
The BIBLE tells us, through Revelation 21:21” The twelve gates were pearls; each gate was made from a single pearl.”  The Pearl is the only sacred treasure that is mentioned in all the important books of religion. All the religions give the pearl high honors and consider it God’s given treasure. The value of natural sweet water pearl is not something that artificially cultured pearls (with nucleus beads inserted in them) can be compared with.  There are some biblical quotes referring to the beauty and inestimable value of pearls:  “Also, the Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man is looking for fine pearls, and when he finds one that is unusually fine, he goes and sells everything he has, and buys that pearl.” (Matthew 13:45-46)
“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom. Sell what you have and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven have no holes in them. Your treasure will be safe – no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” (Luke 12:32-34)
In the teachings of the Jewish Talmud, there is a particular passage, which says, “The secret of a happy family is to treat your wife like a valuable pearl.” While the Israelites did not ascribe holy powers to pearls, there is a rabbinic story that when Abraham was entering Egypt, he hid his wife, Sarah, in a chest because of her great beauty. At the border when challenged as to the contents of the chest, he said he would pay customs for clothes, gold, the finest silk, even for pearls. The customs officers could think of nothing of greater value than pearls. According to this tale, they demanded that Abraham open the chest. When he did, the land was “illumined with the luster of Sarah’s beauty.”
From the above extracts of the major religion classics, we can clearly see that all major religions mentioned pearl as the message of peace.  We sincerely hope that we can use Pearl Bible as a medium to enhance the communication and understanding between various ethnic groups. Through the Pearl Bible, people can realize the real meaning and intention of religions and the similarities between all religions.
The Pearl Bible is not only of sacred spiritual significance, but, as pearls must grow in clean and pollution-free water, it is more of a reminder to people to care for our survival environment. It is an initiative to protect our water resources and the climate. The proceeds raised by the Pearl Bible can contribute to charities in a significant way.  In terms of the accumulation of wealth on earth, at the moment of the separation of soul and body, everything disappears. The wealth on earth may no longer exist. All religions teach people that “Possession of real wealth is in heaven,” What is the wealth of the eternal heaven?   According to many religions, the pearl is the answer.   The Bible compares heaven to a fine pearl.  Most people, desire to go to heaven.
Together we can make a difference, in many lives.  It’s our goal to raise billions and give half of the profits away.
We can provide up to one billion of our precious Pearl Bibles a year for your causes and projects.
We look forward to other likeminded visionaries to join us in raising money to give to others.